Before the Trolls run free

I am not a Nazi in the sense of ye old Nazi Germany. I am a Nazi Nerd, a Nerd who is passionate about tech. I possess no racist qualities it's not in my nature. The nearest I get is geek chik rage. Just because you wear a pair of fucking glasses with no lenses does not mean you're intelligent, it makes you look like a fectard. And if you step up to me I'll shove your fucking iphone up your arse and hammer it in with your fecking 80's retro trainers. Just because I'm a nerd doesn't mean I can't start some shit.

Friday 20 May 2011

Submotion Orchestra

Last night we went to see the exceptionally talented Submotion Orchestra.  For you who haven't heard this is a 7 piece from our yorkshire brothers kingdom of Leeds.

Now I'm no musical journalist.  And you all know how much I like to fucking moan.  So I will get the moaning out of the way.  The venue,  the mint lounge, in the northern quarter.  What has the Northern Quarter become.  £4 a pint.  Fucking hell when did it turn into fucking Deansgate??  Then we move onto the clientel ... there is nothing I can say ...just watch this sums up everything

Right moaning over.  How good are Submotion Orchestra (or for some reason I caught this being shortened to Submo which sounds like the bastard child of Susan Boyle) ... Exceptionally.  Here's a run down of the band members.  And yes these were my crappy x10 phone pics

Ruby - Vocals

Theres nothing like a bit of glitz and a looker of the band.  I mean it's not like there gifts from god and a few you wouldn't kick out of bed.  But yes she's stunning, but more importantly, jesus mary mother and joseph she can belt out a tune.  Very much reminds me of a few Jazz singers mixed with Kate Bush, if Kate Bush was any good that is.

Bobby - Trumpet and Techno Bits

Amazing on the trumpet.  I mean truly gifted.  Yes he uses a Mac.  Who cares.  I'm not reviewing his techno habbits I just hope his equipment holds up during the recent outbreak (sorry I had to get my dig in).  The timing of this guy and his finger work (yes ladies I would be looking to date this guy) is exceptional.

Taz - Keyboard

the soul Taz puts into the pieces he plays is bloody evident.  His intro's just lul you into a nice serene place.  So so talented.

Chris - Bass

This guy is awesome,  I mean if he threw his cock round like he throws those deep driving bass lines the guy would be classed as a pornstar.  Seriously exceptional.

Tommy - Drums

If this guy beat you to death with his drum sticks it still would probably be the best drumming you will have ever heard.  Slick with the sticks.

Danny - Percussion

all those little mood sounds that most bands sample in, tiny little bits that to the untrained ear but somehow complete the sound, this guy is responsible for those, the timing and the addition, and only bhudda knows how well this guy can bongo,  makes me think he may have come from the congo ... or so the advert led me to believe.


Dom - AKA Ruckspin - Engineer

To the trained eye you can count six members but in the DJ Booth hidden out of sight looking over proceedings was what can be described as the technological conductor.  He interpreted every thumb up down and facial expression the band made.  This brought things to a polished climax.  It wouldn't surprise me if he taught sign language to chimps in his spare time.

The performance was outstanding although we had to leave early as our last bus was at 1145 and they didn't come on till 1030 (although they did say 10 **shakes fist**).  I have seen alot of bands but never have I seen      
such a polished act before there first album has been released.  The festival season is approaching soon.  And I know these guys are playing quite a few.  If you see them on, go see them.  If you see them local, go see them.  Just go fucking see them.

I can envisage next time they are round Manchester way it aint gonna be some small club.  I can't express how good these guys are live and don't get me wrong the recordings I have listened to time and time again do not even scratch the surface of the live performances I have seen from these guys.  Get there album,  due in June.  Check the links for more info.  For me it's beer o'clock with a bit of Submo on whilst I play poker (FUCK...even i'm shortening it now.)

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